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Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!

How can Kamala Harris be nominated in the 2024 Presidential race while she is under impeachment trail?
H.Res.494 : First Impeachment filed on Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors on 06/12/2023 H.Res.1379 : Second Impeachment filed...

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization
There are two Xi Jinping in Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Government. The real “Xi-習” Jinping is the General Secretary of the...

一,兩個領導人的樣貌相似可以是巧合。但當大部份中國核心領導人的樣貌都和洛克菲勒家族相似,那就絕不是巧合。更加不是陰謀論! 歷史永遠是勝利者寫的!勝者為王,敗者為寇!你們讀的歷史都是假的! The Nazi Project Lebensborn: Zhou Enlai...

Update on YouTube Cheating Mechanism!
I knew that YouTube is being manipulated, but my previous mechanism is not right because my assumption is based on traditional database...

Update: YouTube System APIs allow anyone to insert, delete and update master data.
Basically YouTube provides a systematic mechanism and API Tool for their Satanic Alliance to manipulate YouTube attributes. If I made...

Agenda 21/2030 : One World Government and Depopulation Agenda!
為什麼中國撒旦邪魔李鵬會簽署《21世紀議程》來減少全球人口? 為什麼大淫婦彭麗媛公開承認反共產黨反政府? 為什麼她要勾結世衛組織和比爾蓋茨? 這一切都是《21世紀議程》的一部份。 正因為她們是洛克斐勒的血統,她們不介意殺掉所有中國人,想一腳踩死以萬計的中國人! Why...

NIH Finally Admits Funding Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan After Fauci’s Repeated Denials Under Oath to Congress
300 Pages of Emails Leave No Doubt: Fauci, NIH Knew Early on of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Shots NIH...

Update: Satanist Dalai Lama is also the bloodline of Rockefeller
Dalai Lama is a fake Buddhist who practice Satanism not Buddhism. He is also the bloodline of Rockefeller. Updated: 14th Dalai Lama =...

General Milley admitted that US is a corporation in the congress hearing
Dear America, please listen clearly. America was IN FACT, a wholly owned corporation until it was dissolved in 2018-19. No need to listen...

Monopoly - Who Owns the World (Tim Gielen)
YouTube removed this video because: "Tim Gielen filed a copyright complaint and the video can no longer be used." Do you believe this BS?...

我本姓《呂》,嫁給姓《梁》的!(Donna Lui)!
我相信我的個人資料已經被揭露,因為我收到許多恐嚇信息都和我家族有密切關係包括親人的生日日子。 避免日後有人冒認我的身份, 我決定公開公開我自己的姓氏: 我本姓《呂》,嫁給姓《梁》的! 我的家族有呂祖師爺呂洞賓,和姜太公呂尚。我丈夫的家族也和呂祖師爺有密切關係。...

重發:油管的頻道歷史搜索 |Youtube Channel Historical Search
I found that many videos in YouTube especially the Chinese political videos are fake that they are created by the Chinese Satanic Cabal...

Cloned Blinken: If you are not at the table in the international system, you will be on the menu.
The cloned Blinken certainly represents the Satanic Cabal because his mentality is always "Zero-sum game". 甚至都懒得掩饰了?美国国务卿布林肯在慕尼黑安全会议上的露骨言...

重發:世界真實面貌 (首次發佈:2021-9-25)
我們活在的世界,並不是你們一直相信的那樣,國家是受到政府的監督而運行。事實是這世界是由三間公司控制著,包括華盛頓哥倫比亞特區, 倫敦城 和梵蒂岡。 這些公司背後的操控者是全世界13個超級富豪貴族, 英國皇室成員和天主教教宗等人。這一班頂端的人,擁有全世界百分之80以上的資產...

Jordan Maxwell's videos on religion, America and Maritime Admiralty Law
Jordan Maxwell’s Final & Most Controversial Lecture Ever... An Exposé Of Secret Societies 2024 💥BQQQQQQQM💥JORDAN MAXWELL - HIDDEN...

Q & QAnon are different! I never analyzed Q posts directly. I only analyze Q Anon information.
Q Team is a group of white hat military alliance to fight against the Satanic Cabal. Q Anon is an international collective group of...

假新聞滿天下! 你們看清楚這些西方撒旦集團如何造假維護大淫婦彭麗媛!
全世界絕大部份的媒體和高科技公司都是受到撒旦集團操控。六間媒體巨企操控了全世界的新聞和娛樂傳播。而這六間巨企都是上市公司,背後的持股者也是Backrock and Vanguard,即是西方撒旦集團。 世人被誤導自己活在一個言論自由的世界,世上有許多不同媒體散播不同的意見。...

《Government of the United State》 and FBI corporations were dissolved
《Government of the United State》 and FBI corporations no longer exist in DnB business search, they were dissolved. 《Federal Bureau of...

深偽技術 | DEEP FAKE! | 耳聽三分虛、眼見未為實! Don't Believe What You See !
You really can't believe anything you see on TV and video platforms these days. All Hollywood movies are made by advanced computer deep...

Q Anon Starter Guide & Deep State Connection Maps
Q Ano15c51fn is an international collective group of awoken anons, ascended beings, light workers, starseeds, citizen journalists,...

The Vatican ran one of the largest pedophile rings in the world
The Vatican paid $3.8 billion in lawsuits to cover up their sexual assaults on children. They also ran one of the largest pedophile rings...

The Satanic Cabal follows the Revelation and create a fake Messiah to run the world!
Revelation Chapter Six :Four Beasts: First Beast (White Horse) : White House Tweets Barack Obama On His King's Throne With Bow & Crown...

17,000 doctors and scientists signed a treaty that declared
"The data confirms that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end... They can damage your heart, your brain, your...

Meaning of Number 17 in the Bible (Q=17!)
Q = 17! The meaning of the number 17 In the Bible is that of "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." God overcame the sins of...
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