911 attacks in 2001 (9&12 again)
2001/ 9 = 12 Sep = 9 It crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan at 8:46 a.m. (8:46 = 18 = 666...

Gematria Calculator:
I just found out English Gematria is a multiple of 6! http://www.gematix.org

究竟誰是中國共產黨最高領導人? 難以置信的準!
周恩來 & 劉少奇= 666 => 18 => 9 彭德懷, 宋平,李鵬, 錢學森, 蔣英,趙紫陽 & 李鵬 = 9 Donna Xi = 9, Peng Liyuan Xi = 6 The Secret Behind Numbers 369 Tesla Code Is...

Satanic Cabal's world leaders all follow the same secret number 9!
The Satanic Cabal selected their puppets by a secret number 9. However, the good and loving "GOD' doesn't follow this rule. GOD didn't...