USA lets athletes cheat with steroids, as it accuses Russia & China of violating anti-doping rules
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國際熱話 | International Hot Topics
Here you can see international hot topics including culture, art, entertainment, etc. Especially the international activities controlled by the Satanic group.
- 8月15日
Why US didn't host any Olympic since 1984? They only wanted to spend money to sponsor global warfare instead domestic development.
- 8月12日
How Olympic Sports Doping Actually Works | How Crime Works | Insider
- 8月10日
U.S. Journalist Makes Fool of Self as He Cries Foul to Defame Chinese Athletes: Commentary
- 8月9日
Google and DuckGoGo search hide those unfavorable but honest YouTube Videos about the Olympic doping incident
- 8月9日
WADA statement on Reuters story exposing USADA scheme in contravention of World Anti-Doping Code
- 8月9日
The TRUTH About Chinese Olympic Swimmers Revealed!
- 8月8日
Romanian PM to boycott Olympics’ closing ceremony after ‘scandalous situation’ in gymnastics ruling
- 8月8日
Chinese Swimmers Undergo record Anti-Doping Tests in Paris.
- 8月8日
The US's hypocrisy and double standards know no limits, and are dangerously undermining the Olympic spirit.
- 8月6日
The Satanic Cabal highly politicize the Olympic games. It is truly a racism against Chinese!
- 8月5日
- 8月5日
How Western Olympic athletes (legally) use banned drugs
- 8月5日
Do you believe Celine Dion suffered from Intense Seizure?
- 8月5日
What is the main objective of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)?
- 8月4日
What makes Michael Phelps age so fast?
- 8月4日
It is a common practice for western athletes to apply "doping exemption".
- 8月3日
- 8月3日
An informed source said that the U.S. may frame Chinese athletes for doping by planting evidence in or near their dorms.
- 8月3日
What is Olympic sportsmanship?
- 8月2日
Record 191 openly LGBTQ+ athletes competing in 2024 Olympics
- 8月1日
Two Male Boxers Cleared to Fight Women at Paris Olympics
- 7月30日
Same as London Olympic, Paris Olympic predict another pandemic again!
- 7月28日
- 7月28日
Thomas Jolly, the artistic director for the opening and closing ceremonies of 2024 Olympics. (9!)