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Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
No One Puts it Better Than Dr. Bolsen
British is the core base of the Satanic Cabal and they torture children to worship Satan!! No One Puts it Better Than Dr. Bolsen...
They lie about the North Pole!
Atlas of the famous cartographer Gerard Mercator, created in 1569 and consists of 18 sheets. In the atlas is marked Antarctica 250 years...
Satanic Hollywood Stars are Eligible for Government insurance!
BREAKING: Eyewitnesses Accuse King Charles of Murder in Twisted ‘Human Hunting Party’
Explosive allegations have surfaced, accusing King Charles of horrifying crimes during a grotesque ‘human hunting party’ on a European...
The Holodmor was a man-made Famine led by the Satanist Joseph Stalin
it's all fake. History is fake, religions are fake, presidents are fake, elections are fake, media is fake. The whole world have been...
Joseph Stalin was also the puppet of the Satanic Cabal (9 &12!)
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (9!) direct ordered the Katyn Massacre (12!) to kill over 20,000 Polish officers! Under Stalin, the Masonic...
1937年12月22日 (9!)海參崴屠殺中國人慘案!
在1917年,俄羅斯革命中,西方撒旦集團已經控制了俄羅斯政權。1937年發生的海參崴屠殺中國人事件,是蘇聯政權內的邪惡撒旦集團造成的。 1937年12月22日 ——蘇聯內務人民委員部人民委員尼古拉·伊萬諾維奇·葉若夫發佈《內務人民委員部第693號命令》,開始在遠東地區清洗大...
Jewish Bolsheviks killed over 60 million Orthodox Christians and Muslims in the Russian Revolution
Most people know about the Holocaust, but did you also know that a much worse mass slaughter of human beings occurred a few decades prior...
Hundreds of thousands of little British girls who were mercilessly targeted for gang rape and often murder in horrific ways
The Satanic Cult torture and abuse children for hundred years! The mainstream media is part of the Satanic Cult that they cover up the...
Zelenskyy Unmasked - WHO IS ZELENSKYY
Zelenskyy is an evil Satanist, low-class shameless actor controlled by the Satanic Cabal. 澤連斯基也是一個卑鄙無恥的下九流戲精,政治騙子!...
NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: "It's time to shift to a wartime mindset and turbocharge defense production and spending."
北約秘書長馬克·呂特:“是時候轉變為戰時思維並大力推動國防生產和支出了。” 馬克·呂特是撒旦集團傀儡,企圖發動戰爭操控全世界。 中國撒旦畜生《席近平》主席和李克強一直和馬克·呂特勾結。 What he is saying is that the “elite” MUST...
絕大部份買比特幣的人都不理解比特幣的屬性! 美國要建比特幣儲備?專家:這是迄今最大加密貨幣騙局!
If Trump recruits Bill Gates into his administration, it implies that Trump colluded with the Satanic Cabal to kill Americans!
Bill Gates is accountable for the COVID genocide. He has to be prosecuted. Do you still believe in evil globalists and cold-blooded...
朝鮮戰爭和俄烏戰爭當然不一樣。朝鮮戰爭是為了捍衛中華民族的領土和利益。 澤連斯基是撒旦集團的傀儡,俄烏戰爭是為了維護撒旦集團的利益和權力!
世上有許多不解之謎都是撒旦集團造成的,就例如曼德拉效應。 撒旦集團可以利用克隆人和電腦深偽技術假冒任何人的身份在任何時間和地點出現,可以令一個人起死回生。而且他們操控了全世界的社交媒體和傳媒,操控全地球人類的認知。 當我們瞭解背後的真實詐騙科技,就清楚明白許多不解之謎衹是一...
British people need human rights! UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is just another hypocritical liar!
There is no freedom of speech in the western world!! Those politicians are just a bunch of hypocritical liars. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom...
The Satanic Cabal would rather DESTROY America, and the whole world before they give up power.
President Putin does not want nuclear war, and the Cabal knows it. The cabal is DESPERATE. If there are reports of a bomb, you know it’s...
像比爾蓋茨一樣的撒旦超級富豪, 天生含著金鎖匙出世, 無需投資接受教育 ,用錢就可以買到高尚學位, 一生依靠卑劣下流的詐騙技倆, 沒文化,沒教養,沒學養,沒修養的畜生就可以統治世界! 那些平民百姓,低收入人士,就要付出昂貴的教育經費來接受撒旦畜生設計的垃圾洗腦教育,永遠不能...
Trump and Putin negotiate to end the war in Ukraine and investigate the Bio-weapons development!
The timeline is happening 👀 -Trump negotiates end to war in Ukraine. -Putin demands investigation into US bioweapons development in...
Bill Gates wants AI algorithms to censor vaccine “misinformation” in real time. Kalama Harris will certainly empower Bill Gates!
Microsoft co-founder, eugenics proponent, and decaying wrinkle-face Bill Gates wants to merge his vaccine obsession with artificial...
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