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彭麗媛公開言論 | Peng Liyuan Public Remarks

大淫婦彭麗媛在推特有兩個賬戶。由於推特的用戶量衹是臉書的7.4%, 加上我只用臉書。她以為沒有人會注意。而且推特是撒旦集團操控的,她賬戶和言論可以受到限制限制一小撮沒人注意的範圍。她因為很憤怒和沮喪想發洩情緒,便想模仿我一樣在社交媒體發言令到自己開心。很可惜她在推特的賬戶被我發現了。這就是大淫婦彭麗媛的真面目!

Great Harlot Peng Liyuan has two accounts on Twitter.  Twitter's user volume is only 7.4% of Facebook's and I only use Facebook. She thought that no one will pay attention to Twitter. Besides, Twitter is controlled by the Satanic Cabal and her profile and remarks cannot be limited to a small unnoticeable scale. She was very angry and frustrated that she wanted to release stress. She copied me to post messages a social message to make herself happy. Unfortunately, I did search for her profiles on Twitter. Here is the true face of Great Harlot Peng Liyuan!

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