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The Truth About CDC’s Recent PCR Policy and Alleged ‘COVID Deaths’


CDC's recent #PCR announcement

All-cause mortality explained

What exactly is a #DeltaVariant?

What about #Covid antibodies?

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Hong Kong is a lucky place where Sinovac, a conventional type of vaccine, is available for our choice. I am very surprised by Hong Kong Hospital Authority made an important health policy simply based on the antibody research from HKSH Medical Group.

mRNA vaccine is just a new experimental product without valid human tests before. HA obviously gives credit to Biotech in terms of vaccination venue arrangement, selection guidelines, and instructions.

Many HK doctors recommend their patients to take Biotech basing on this antibody research. Are they aware of all the negative side effects and damages to our bodies by mRNA vaccines? Have they ever conducted any research? Or they are just simply followers of WHO and FDA. Is that the superiority of Hong Kong medical standards that foreign medical practitioners cannot comprehend?

The Truth About PCR Tests

Covid-19 Behind the PCR Curtain

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