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Putin banned Rothschild and their central banks in Russia


All Rothschild family members are posting messages to defame Putin now,

[Forwarded from Daniëlle Stotijn (Danielle Stotijn)]

Remember when Putin banned the Rothschilds and their central banks from Russia? The "big bad monster Putin." How evil you'd have to be to ban the Rothschilds. 😉 Remember when Tzar Nicholas II of Russia rejected the Rothschild central banks and the Rothschilds said they would wipe his bloodline off the face of the earth if he didn't reconsider? Then they did and from there came the story of Anastasia (Romanov's daughter) the girl who escaped the massacre in the basement? Bolshevik revolution. They killed them and stole their gold.

And lets not forget the Chinese opium wars where the Rothschilds facilitated getting China addicted to opium. Now China and Russia are teaming up to corner the oil market with a gold back currency via the Chinese Yuan. Bye bye U.S. dollar that fuels the Rothschild central bank globally. China has a slough of dark factions too of course, same with Russia. Dark and light in all nations. I know I've been repeating this for years but Xi of China, Putin of Russia and Trump are really, behind the scenes, on the same page with this push to dethrone the dollar and return the gold standard.

A couple days ago oil dropped to negative cost for the first time ever, think of what that does to the petrodollar. If I charge you negative 5 bucks for bread that means I have to give you bread and 5 bucks, you just get to receive. They have to pay people to receive oil. People have to pay in dollars in order to get oil from the oil kingpin Saudi Arabia hence it being the petro-dollar and the world reserve currency. No oil, no economic fuel. Been this way since the 1973 deal Henry Kissinger made with the Saudi Royal fam two years after the gold standard was abolished. The was "We protect your oil reserves with our military and back you militarily if you make every pay for oil with the fiat paper known as the dollar. Funny money. Now Saudi has to pay U.S. dollars to people so they take their oil. Redistribution of dollars, etching Saudi's global ruling via oil out of the equation leaving room for Russia becoming the new oil source leveraging for a gold backed currency. Gold backing the currency directly instead of oil and birth bonds (monetizing humans) will break the chains of financial slavery, both the Fed Reserve act of 1913 and HJR-192 where Franklin D. Roosevelt called for all U.S. citizens to turn in their gold bullion and gold certificates to any fed reserve bank or member bank of.

Breaking the chains of debt slavery AKA usury AKA lending with high interest rates that are impossible to pay off leaving the people in more and more debt every time they spend a dollar causing the dollar to hyper inflate and the cost of living to rise more and more til next thing you know you more people are living on the streets or subject to gov assistance than are thriving, let alone getting by.

So, remember when Putin banned the Rothschilds and their central banks from Russia? A former KGB member would have his hands in some big intel and means of conveyance. You're damn right Putin tampered with the U.S. elections, same with the U.S. military... Now think of the sanctions Trump set in place. Sanctions undermine the trade deficit that props up the dollar that enslaves the world. Rothschilds did fund Trump at one point. Why wouldn't they fund someone who was moving their money in such a way and why wouldn't a business man take big funding? It doesn't stand as evidence that Trump is in cahoots with the Rothschilds though I do figure the Trumps were extorted by them via the Rockefellers back when Donald's gpa stepped on Rockefeller toes at the gold mining opp. What better way to break free from extortion than to make a deal with Putin and the U.S. military to get in as the U.S. president/commander in chief of the highest funded military in the world. Remember when Putin gave Trump the soccer ball for the world world cup victory? That is the same kind of soccer ball that can store a chip. Interesting huh? A ball that can store a computer chip and syncs with software? We can speculate all day what's on the chip.

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