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Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For "Immediate Halt" To Vaccinations
Vaccine Expert Vanden Bossche Calls For "Immediate Halt" To Vaccinations, Says They Encourage "Escape Mutant" Variants Click here to read...
Click here to read 事實上佛教有許多宗派和佛教規條是一些人為了凸顯自己宗教團体的高尚和神聖而修改的。那些人成了佛嗎?
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics
Click here to read These eugenicists should be removed from the earth to make the world better.
Death Sentence - Special Thanks to Dr. Rick Bright
Click here to read The sociopath and big pharma whore Rick Bright is responsible for the mass murder of over 500,000 Americans by...
Relationship between NIH, FDA and Fauci
Apparently, the NIH does all the testing and provides its findings to the FDA for drug approval. Christine Grady is the head of NIH...
點擊這裏 讀書是重要。但是現代人讀的都是工具書,學了許多專業知識來謀生。許多精英除了自己專業以內的知識,其他事情一竅不通,甚至乎有些人連做人的基本原則和道德規範也不懂。衹是一個黑心的金錢奴隸。正如論語 《憲問》篇所言: 古之學者為己,今之學者為人。...
我相信任何成功人士都是基於失敗的經驗教訓和反思。這些無恥之徒只執著別人的一點小錯誤,而大做文章。對於習近平過去的貢獻隻字不提。這不是抹黑誣衊是什麼? 你認為中國共產黨內部的高官是失智的嗎? 假若他真的那麼無能,他可以做到國家主席和總書記?那麼共產黨內其它的官員水平也應該比他...
Mrs. Gates is a man
If Melinda is dead, then the divorce is no longer valid. All assets under Bill Gates have to confiscate.
Celebrities seen sporting a black left eye are part of the Illuminati
Bizarre conspiracy theory suggests celebrities including the Pope and even ROYALS who have been snapped with black left eyes are in the...
The First President To Ever Fight Child Sex Trafficking
Thinking about how children have been torturing for hundreds of years, is extremely brutal. This is absolutely immeasurable merit.
共濟會資本主義和民族主義之爭。(馬雲=9!), (趙薇=9!)
2016年趙薇的輿論戰,是共濟會的同謀資本家和習近平的民族主義對抗,共濟會勝利了。所以趙薇和馬雲變得更加目中無人和有恃無恐。 看看油管那些反共傳媒,他們肆無忌憚地抹黑習近平和江澤民。你們有看見過他們抹黑彭麗媛和李氏家族嗎?現今世界的所有傳媒都是資本家控制的。...
Coronavirus: WHO announces Greek alphabet naming scheme for variants
Click here to read No wonder WHO announced the new naming scheme because they have already used up all alphabet in their plan.
Mr. First "Lady" Michelle Obama and Mr. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Michelle has to pretend to be a woman because of traditional social norms. Why does Jacinda pretend to be a woman? Is the status of a...
Hong Kong has been controlled and polluted by the Illuminati Cabal.
This is total nonsense. Hong Kong has always been controlled and polluted by the Illuminati Cabal which is led by the western evil...
Pfizer Controls FDA - Terrible!!
On the left is a current member of the Board of Directors of Pfizer. On the right is the former FDA Commissioner in charge of regulating...
U.S NEWS - Bill Gates Military Tribunal: Day 1
Click here to read Bill Gates is a narcissist and a megalomaniac.
Pathologist Dr.Ryan Cole: Vax-11k Deaths, 1st Autopsy ?
Click here to read Pathologist Dr.Ryan Cole gives an excellent talk to other doctors at the White Coat Summit. He doesn't mince words on...
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