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G20 造假 | G20 Deceit 

真正的習近平並未獲邀請出席峇里島的G20會議。中國撒旦集團包括外交部長王毅衹是派遣習近平和彭麗媛克隆人出席峇里島的G20高峰會議和泰國的APEC會議。在二十大授權的唯一官方傳媒新華社, 並沒有習近平的活動記錄。

The real Xi Jinping wasn't invited to participate in the G20 meeting.  The Chinese Cabal including Foreign Minister Wang Yi sent clones of  Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan to join the G20 meeting in Bali and APEC meeting in Thailand. There are no official Xi Jinping activity records in the Xin Hua Net which is the solely authorized channel for the 20th party congress. 


Donna Leung @

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