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“Enough Evidence” Suggests Covid-19 Originated in US Biolab Technology – Lancet Commission Chair Claims

Covid-19 did not come out of some natural reservoir but rather "out of US lab biotechnology" in an accident, world-renowned economist and author Jeffrey Sachs has claimed, speaking at a conference hosted by think tank GATE Center in Spain last month.

The academic noted that while “we don’t know for sure” if this is the case, there is “enough evidence” pointing to this, which “should be looked into.” Sachs lamented that this version is, however, “not being investigated, not in the United States, not anywhere.”

Back in May, Sachs, along with Columbia University professor of molecular pharmacology and therapeutics Neil Harrison, penned an article suggesting Covid-19 had originated in a laboratory – but stated important information has not been subjected to “independent, transparent, and scientific scrutiny.” #rtnews




雖然委員對於此兩種解釋有不同的看法,需要進一步科學調查,不過委員會主席、經濟學家薩克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)早前在西班牙一個會議上表示:「非常確信它(新冠病毒)來自於美國實驗室的生物技術,而不是自然界」,不過此看法在是次報告上並未有提及。


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