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Q Anon Starter Guide & Deep State Connection Maps

Q Ano15c51fn is an international collective group of awoken anons, ascended beings, light workers, starseeds, citizen journalists, researchers, whistle blowers, truthers, digital patriots, and keyboard warriors working together to expose the Khazarian Freemasonic Luciferian Zionist Fascist Jesuit Illuminati Globalist Deep State Cabal. Only when their darkness is brought to light can they be defeated. Symbolism will be their downfall. This article seeks to act as a guide with resources to help you get started on your awakening research journey. Where we go one we go all.

The Q Anon movement is being provided intel drops online from a mysterious figure known as Q, who is believed to be JFK Jr. by a fast majority of the movement. Although he is believed to be the main face behind the Q movement there are additionally a group of no more than 10 individuals who consist of the entire "Q Team" including trusted military generals like General Michael T. Flynn and Donald J. Trump (known as Q+). The Q Team has formed an international white hat military alliance with what is rumored to be some 170 countries worldwide, in coordination with their militaries and organizations like the International Human Rights Tribunal, Interpol, the NSA, and Space Force.

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