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Kick off SWIFT? So what?

实际上,俄罗斯敢对西方傀儡乌克兰开战,事先早就做好两手准备,根本不担心西方制裁! 第一手准备当然就是紧紧捏着西方液化天然气供应的脖子。整个欧盟超过40%以上的液化天然气和石油供应,就在俄罗斯手中。西方逼得急了,普京就敢敢派兵进入乌克兰开战;西方敢制裁俄罗斯,俄罗斯就跟你鱼死网破,直接断掉天然气供应,让大部分的欧盟去人民断电断粮! 第二手准备更足够令俄罗斯没有后顾之忧!就在北京冬奥开幕前夕,普京和中国国家主席习近平正式签署了规模前所未有庞大的天然气供应合约;这项合约期限30年,总金额高达4000亿欧元!如果欧盟敢动俄罗斯,就丢掉欧元,改以人民币结算!



Western sanctions on Russia won't work. EU leaders have been clear that the sanctions will harm their own economies, especially when it comes to energy.

Russia is the world's 2nd largest oil exporter and the largest natural gas exporter. Even the US bank sanctions, while tougher, still allow for energy payments.

Russia and China have built up our own version of the payments system, which will benefit from any extra Russian business that would be rerouted away from SWIFT. This is what the West doesn't want to see.

China has been Russia's top trading partner for 12 consecutive years. Trade between China and Russia reached a record high of $146.9 billion in 2021, up 35.8% year-on-year, according to China's customs agency. China's energy imports from Russia surged 47.4% to 334.29 billion yuan ($52.93 billion) last year.

Russia is also the world's top wheat exporter. China will soon become a big buyer of Russian wheat as well. China has been Russia's top supplier of imports, with smartphones, computers, telecommunications gear, textiles, clothing and electronics parts among top categories. More sanctions will only accelerate de-dollarization of China-Russia trade. Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of Russian gas giant Gazprom, has entirely moved away from the US dollar to China's yuan in settlements for fuelling planes in China. As the world knows, China has been one of the most sanctioned countries by the US since the New China was founded in 1949. Sanctions make us better and stronger!

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