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A real man should defeat the satanic enchantress so as to protect all innocent women and children!

習近平作為中國國家主席,理應把保護祖國所有婦女兒童作為首要任務和責任。 因此,維護哪個在過往十年一直在中國殘害無辜兒童和婦女的大淫婦彭麗媛,是不道德和不公正的。



Xi Jinping, as the President of China, should put the top priority and responsibility to protect all the women and children in his land. Therefore, it is immoral and injustice to protect Great Harlot Peng Liyuan who has been killing and hurting innocent children and women in China for a decade.

Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is a criminal and traitor who must be brought to justice.

A real man should defeat the satanic enchantress so as to protect all innocent women and children in the world.

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