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刀郎 Dao Lang 《罗刹海市》 新歌 第一个 AI 英文翻译和图像解读


WOW!! Is Don Key and Chi Ken is the same person?

Wittgenstein talks about Don Key, the donkey, Chi Ken, the chicken,

Ultimately, the question is whether Don Key is the donkey or the donkey is the Chi Ken, the chicken,

Whether the donkey is a chicken, or the chicken is a donkey, or the chicken is a donkey, or the donkey is a chicken,

Don Key and Chi Ken, are the fundamental problems of us, human beings.

AI 怎样解读刀郎的 《罗刹海市》 歌词逐句解释为图片

刀郎, 《罗刹海市》, 新歌 AI 翻译 解读 #刀郎#罗刹海市#新歌 "LuoCha Kingdom" - The first English translation and Depiction by AI 罗刹国向东两万六千里 过七冲越焦海三寸的黄泥地 只为那有一条一丘河 河水流过苟苟营 苟苟营当家的叉杆儿唤作马户 十里花场有浑名 她两耳傍肩三孔鼻 未曾开言先转腚 每一日蹲窝里把蛋来卧 老粉嘴多半辈儿以为自己是只鸡 那马户不知道他是一头驴 那又鸟不知道他是一只鸡 勾栏从来扮高雅 自古公公好威名 打西边来了一个小伙儿他叫马骥 美丰姿 少倜傥 华夏的子弟 只为他人海泛舟搏风打浪 龙游险滩流落恶地 他见这罗刹国里常颠倒 马户爱听那又鸟的曲 三更的草鸡打鸣当司晨 半扇门楣上裱真情 它红描翅那个黑画皮 绿绣鸡冠金镶蹄 可是那从来煤蛋儿生来就黑 不管你咋样洗呀那也是个脏东西 那马户不知道他是一头驴 那又鸟不知道他是一只鸡 岂有画堂登猪狗 哪来鞋拔作如意 它红描翅那个黑画皮 绿绣鸡冠金镶蹄 可是那从来煤蛋儿生来就黑 不管你咋样洗呀那也是个脏东西

爱字有心心有好歹 百样爱也有千样的坏 女子为好非全都好 还有黄蜂尾上针 西边的欧钢有老板 生儿维特根斯坦 他言说马户驴又鸟鸡 到底那马户是驴还是驴是又鸟鸡 那驴是鸡那个鸡是驴 那鸡是驴那个驴是鸡 那马户又鸟 是我们人类根本的问题 LuoCha Kingdom LuoCha Kingdom stretches twenty-six thousand miles to the east,

Passing through seven key roads,

burned sea and three inches of yellow muddy field,

Only to reach the One-Hill River,

Where the river flows past the Gougou Camp.

The Gougou Camp head protector is called Don Key,

Notorious in the flower field ten miles away.

She has big ears, shoulders, and a three-holed nose,

Before speaking, she always turns her butt around.

Every day, she squats in her nest to warm eggs.

The color-makeup-mouth mostly thinks she's a chicken,

The Don Key doesn't know he's a donkey,

The Chi Ken doesn't know it's a chicken.

The Hook Fence has always pretended to be elegant,

And from ancient times, the GongGong loves reputation.

A young man came from the west, and his name is Maji,

With a handsome appearance, extraordinary bearing, a child of China,

He sailed the sea and challenged the wind and waves,

Roaming through dangerous places and evil lands.

He saw that in the LuoCha Kingdom, things were often upside down.

Don Key loves to listen to the Chi Ken's song,

A grass chicken crows at midnight as a rooster,

He show his true feelings to the brothel's half-lintel door,

She paint wings red and skins black,

She knitted chicken crown green, embroidered the hooves with gold,

But the coal egg is naturally black from birth,

No matter how you wash it, it remains filthy.

The Don Key doesn't know he's a donkey,

The Chi Ken doesn't know it's a chicken.

How can there be pigs and dogs in a painting hall?

How can a shoe remover be as a scepter?

She paint wings red and skins black,

She knitted chicken crown green, embroidered the hooves with gold,

But the coal egg is naturally black from birth,

No matter how you wash it, it remains filthy.

Love carries heart, but hearts can be good or bad.

Hundreds of loves and thousands of bad.

Women are good but not all.

Some are like stingers on the tail of a wasp. I

n the west, there's a boss in a Europe Steel Factory,

He gave birth to Wittgenstein,

Wittgenstein talks about Don Key, the donkey, Chi Ken, the chicken,

Ultimately, the question is whether Don Key is the donkey or the donkey is the Chi Ken, the chicken,

Whether the donkey is a chicken, or the chicken is a donkey, or the chicken is a donkey, or the donkey is a chicken,

Don Key and Chi Ken, are the fundamental problems of us, human beings.


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